Kid Scored Perfect on SAT and ACT

John Liu of Kentucky was nervous when he took the SAT last December, but all that worrying was for naught: he scored a perfect 2400. He also scored perfect on the ACT.

Wow! Congrats, John!

Link - via Spluch

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I got a 2200 without studying. I could easily get a 2400 with studying. Just because you put forth much more time than the norm to master a test which isn't an accurate measure of your intelligence doesn't mean that you're intelligent.
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ah, dang this kid is smart i know 1 person with a 2400, and she has a very active life and i know another boy with a 36 you also has a social life
then theres me, you sucks at tests, my better score is on the ACT with a 33
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@L, don't be so hard on (or jealous of?) the kid. He's only 17(!) and "math or science" sounds like a great start. With the drive and aptitude to do so well on SAT/ACT, he'll be at an academic advantage when it comes time to decide what he'll end up studying post-high school.

Whatever sacrifices he made to do what he's done, it's plainly obvious that he's earned his achievements.
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