19-year-old David Alvarez of Wenatchee Valley College in Washington used more than 2,000 Post-it Notes to make this giant image of Ray Charles:
He spent three months constructing the mosaic, sometimes sacrificing schoolwork for his art. At least one of his papers for his summer English courses suffered, but he persevered so that he could participate in an art show July 28 at the Stanley Civic Center in Wenatchee. Originally, the Post-it Notes stayed in this unique format only by virtue of their manufactured stickiness, which does not hold up as well as glue, Alvarez found. When he displayed his work at the show, he monitored the project for 14 hours, continuously replacing notes that were falling off. The aspiring art teacher now uses glue to hold the notes in place.
Other Post-It shenanigans previously on Neatorama: Donkey Kong Made with Post-It Notes, Pixelnotes, Post-It Notes Jaguar, and Post-It Notes Elvis.
Comments (5)
i could do that in half a day, no kidding (with the use of a computer for figuring which shade post-its to use).
people are doing similar but more complex works with toothpicks and matchsticks, it's pretty easy if you just bother planning...
If you would like to try it yourself. It's a neat idea and I know the kid put in a lot of work on it, but it's not exactly the first time it's been done.