Tara Donovan's Mega Sculptures Made From Everyday Objects

Time for something neat? Take a look at Tara Donovan's artwork: large sculptures made from everyday objects like plastic drinking straws, hot-glued styrofoam cups (above), paper plates, and pencils.

You won't be disappointed: Link

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Matt: I can only think of one piece by Friedman that even remotely resembles Donovan's work (or vice-versa, however you want to say it). Friedman's Untitled toothpick sculpture from 1995 has this same quality of massive reiteration, but that's about it. Are there others?
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This was very cool! -Must have taken a lot of trips to mcdonalds to accumulate enough straws for those installations. She obviously works at a dry cleaners to get all those buttons.
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i wanted to jump right back in and clarify - i know there's nothing new under the sun, but sometimes things look so similar to works by a different (very famous) contemporary artist, and it kind of sucks to see it in a reputable gallery. meh.
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hmmmm... sounds exactly like Tom Friedman's art.

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