Yes, yes - the Michelin Baby picture has been on the Internet, like, forever - but did you know that it actually shows a disease that doctors called the Michelin Tire Baby Syndrome?
Niikawa et al. (1985) reported 2 families with this syndrome. In the first family the trait occurred in 3 generations. The proband, a 3-year-old girl, had deep skin folds, gyrus-like on the back and circumferential in the limbs bilaterally. Her father and maternal grandmother had several skin creases around the wrists and forearms which they claimed were remnants of deep skin folds in infancy. [...] Wiedemann (1987) pictured an infant with multiple benign circumferential skin creases in association with a congenital heart defect. He also called attention to the demonstration of this feature in a representation of Eve nursing her son in a detail of a bronze door at the cathedral of Hildesheim in northwestern Germany [...] The constricting bands were distributed symmetrically and circumferentially over the neck, forearms, and lower legs. Spontaneous resolution took
place during childhood.
Found at Say No to Crack | If you're so inclined, you can read the entire abstract of this strange disease here: Link
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