Haiku For You is a collaborative Internet art project where users submit stories which are then turned into a "visual" haiku.
This one above is the Howard Dean haiku, which inspired by a story submission by Erin from Fort Collins, CO:
Oh Howard Dean, my special moment in time.
My boyfriend Cliff and I were in Maryland for his uncle’s inauguration (he’s a politician) when Howard Dean rolled up to the party with a bright, shiny white smile. Cliffy’s mom asked us, “Do you want your picture taken with Howard Dean?” and we said “Yes please!”
She marched right up to him but he was busy talking to politicians. This didn’t bother her and proceeded to tap him on the shoulder repeatedly saying “Excuse me! Excuse me!”
Howard Dean was very busy, see, and kind of ignored her, but she just kept right on with the tapping and “Excuse me! Excuse me!” Finally, Howard Dean rolled his eyes, turned around, and took a damn picture of us… and we were the happiest kids in the world!
http://ourstereo.com/haikuforyou/ - Thanks Danny!
Comments (6)
but sometimes they don't make sense
I like the one they have up today about the cannibal carrots.