Fishy Movies.

The folks over at Bounty Fishing have created a great series of Photoshopped movie posters all starring ... fish! My favorite was the Die Hard poster, but all seven are pretty creative. Link

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Like any irreversible step, suicide should be thought through with a clear mind and surely not in a hurry. In case you think about suicide you should really thoroughly contemplate every little detail of it without any precipitance and you should really take you time, at least 10 to 20 years or even longer... the worst that could happen is that a natural cause of death strikes first...
Unfortunately, people considering suicide are usually in a very emotional state and are very impatient neither having the longanimity nor the wisdom to wait for the grim reaper, whom noone escaped yet.
As i think that his tattoos may reach much more young people that the above arguments, i can only say that i am happy for each young person not taking the final step...
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