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Here's a cutesy ad by H5 for Canadian French energy company Areva. Very similar to the famous Röyksopp's Remind Me music video (why, produced by the same people!).
And of course, the ad was parodied:
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Via Pruned
Comments (2)
The same might go for a toddler, I don't know any toddlers that paint though.
I can't handle it, there must be a reason for every single line on Las Meninas studies by picasso, and there are docens of tryals on the Velazquez's picture. He was obsessed by that portrait.
Picasso true tallent was charisma if he could brainwash so many peoples to come to the conclusion that what he was doing was art.
Maybe it's just me...
We tend to forget that a lot of impressionist and abstract artists did know how to paint quite realistically, but deliberately painted differently from the traditional method.
I may not like all of Picasso's work, but he certainly knew how to paint. This was definitely a look into how the painting developed, and how the artist's own vision changed over the course of the painting.
I'm paraphrasing, but my favorite quote of his goes something like, "I paint like the Chinese. I don't copy nature - I work like her."
hahas...it is so realistic...and really lyk cubism...
He is an artist, not an engineer. He is expressing himself, not building a thing. He solved the problem of expressing something that cannot be painted of photographied, you just look for a representation of a reality, when you should look a picture, like you listen to music.
Good luck getting your mind out of the cage.