93 Million Wangs.

85% of the 1.3 billion citizens of China share only about 100 family names. There are 93 million people with the surname Wang! To alleviate the confusion, the Chinese government is considering new naming rules.
Under a new draft regulation released by the ministry of public security, parents will be able to combine their surnames for their children, a move that could open up 1.28 million new possibilities, the China Daily reported.

For instance, a father named Zhou and mother named Zhu could choose to call their child either Zhou, Zhu, Zhouzhu or Zhuzhou, the report added.

And then if this child married George Bailey’s daughter, her name would become... oh never mind. Link -via Fark

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"What about the amount of Smiths and Browns that we have in North America or Europe, I mean this is just a stupid idea. People should have the freedom to name their children."

Did you not read the post? It said it's optional..
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There are also many many people with the surname "Wong." As legend would have it, Cho En-Lai devised a methodology in the 1970's which seem simple enough and effective. By central degree, every Wong was listed and given a number. So, for example, a particular Mr. or Mrs. Wong would be Wong No. 7294117. This seemed ingenious and solved the problem, until people started answering the phone. Apparently, what would happen is this: A Wong would pick up the phone and start to answer "Wong Number..." and before Mr. Wong could finish stating his number... the caller would HANG UP!!!
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With the combining of surnames, there is another problem: Length. With each combine, the length doubles. In just 10 generations someone's name could be WangWangWangWa [...]

Edited 6/12/07: We get the idea, dude. - Alex
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We have three sons, all Smiths. We were going to have another until we heard that one out of every five people in the world is Chinese. Now we can have WangSmith or is it SmithWang?
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