Pantone Mug.

Designers and graphic artists will probably appreciate this: Pantone Mug by W2. This one to the left is Red 168C, £8.

Unfortunately, they can't yet ship outside of the EU.

Link - via Think.BigChief

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Hi there Pantone fans my company W2 is the one that designs & makes these mugs under licence. There have been some changes...we can now ship outside the EU and the mugs are now available in the USA, from the MoMa
and shortly on our website which will have a USA section so you will be able to buy the mugs online in dollars, by the end of November (we hope).
W2 are a small design-led company based in London trying to make the world a more colourful place.
Jackie :)
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Pantone has awesome products and I believe that I saw mugs like these and notebooks etc, available for purchase at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. At least I bought a few things there myself, perhaps they have more things!
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