Blood of Cobra.

This weeks' collaboration with Cellar Image of the Day brings us this gruesome yet interesting picture, with translated caption from

Selváticos. American Marine drinks the blood of a cobra after an exercise of survival in the jungle in a field of training in Chanthaburi, Thailand.

Blood of cobra? Yum. For more amazing pictures (6 years worth of archive! How awesome is that?), check out Cellar IoTD.

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I went to Thailand with the National Guard, and we did something similiar. The uniforms the Americans arewearing is the current uniform of the Marines.
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This pic is definately awesome and I think gives you a different point of view on the marines. I do not think it is edited because even though there isn't blood on the guys mouth, you can see it on his teeth. It would be interesting to know exactly what was going on in the pic. Some people may find it disturbing or disgusting, but I think its very openminded and gives you a different view on other cultural occurances. Heck, I'd do it!
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these are marines, and he is drinking the blood of a cobra, if u look closly its all over his teeth. I know this becouse I am a marine, and trust me we do alot cmore crazy stuff than this.
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