Some dastardly pranksters rig a sheep with a scary mask causing the rest of the herd to avoid it. While funny for a moment one has to empathize with the long term psychological impact. Poor Sheepy. You can also view it on YouTube. (Indirectly via Just One Word)
Some dastardly pranksters rig a sheep with a scary mask causing the rest of the herd to avoid it. While funny for a moment one has to empathize with the long term psychological impact. Poor Sheepy. You can also view it on YouTube. (Indirectly via Just One Word)
"What would happen if someone put masks on all of them? Pandemonium!"
^_^ Hahahaha! Mass carnage!
"Hay-ay-ay-ay ewes guy-uy-uy-uys! Why ewe kep runin way-ay-ay-ay?"