An average of 81 people die by gun every day in the US. The New York Times has a graphic showing the breakdown of those deaths by age, sex, race, and cause. Link -via Exploding Aardvark
An average of 81 people die by gun every day in the US. The New York Times has a graphic showing the breakdown of those deaths by age, sex, race, and cause. Link -via Exploding Aardvark
Sure enough, when I walked into the bedroom, it chased me around the house, firing every round in the chamber... and when it went empty it threw itself at me, barely missing... yessirree, my gun was completely out of control... yep we must control guns.
The reality is this.. i have a rifle sitting in my closet collecting dust because it has no feelings, no agenda, no passions, greed, jealousy or anything else that makes humans flawed. My rifle has never been fired in haste or in anger, because its OWNER controls himself.
Think of it this way.... When a murder by gun goes to trial, the gun is never sentenced to prison.
guns shold never be outlawed though im definite on that
deaths of criminals at the hands of other criminals, and
the deaths of criminals in the act of committing crimes from the lawful use of force (self defense / justifiable homicide) by law enforcement officers and armed citizens.
Oops. Little tiny detail that suddenly takes away the image of little Johnny and Janey getting mowed down by unattended "guns gone wild".