Zagreb Excavator.

When you are up the creek without a paddle, you might use your steam shovel to propel the barge! This video is entitled Загребущий экскаватор, which may be translated as Zagreb Excavator, but that’s all I know about it. Push play or go to YouTube. -via VideoSift

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That's more correctly referred to as a track-hoe instead of a steam shovel. Incidently, they are a tremendous amount of fun to operate.
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It's Russian, and an automatic translator gave me the word Zagreb, so I thought it might be from a Russian who traveled to Zagreb, but I can't say for sure. Do you recognize the place?
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It's Russian, and an automatic translator gave me the word Zagreb, so I thought it might be from a Russian who traveled to Zagreb, but I can't say for sure. Do you recognize the place?
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That's more correctly referred to as a track-hoe instead of a steam shovel. Incidently, they are a tremendous amount of fun to operate.
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