Wyoming's 2007 State Easter Egg: a Masterpiece!

I thought that the Wyoming Easter Egg masterpiece, as pointed out by commenter Smurf Kicker in Miss Cellania's previous post on the 2007 State Easter Eggs, deserves its own post. Here's the story from Chicago Tribune:

The saga started early last year, when the Egg Board, based in Park Ridge, cast its net for artists from each state to decorate eggs consistent with their home state's character. Wyoming presented a challenge.

The Egg Board begins by contacting state egg associations. But Wyoming doesn't have a state egg association, so the board contacted the International Egg Art Guild, which was unable to recommend an egg artist in Wyoming, Ivy said.

Undaunted, the board kept trying. After a few weeks, a Wyoming artist agreed to take a crack at the project but begged off about a week before the eggs had to be shipped to Washington, D.C. Ivy had to scramble.

To the rescue came Jacinta LeDonne, an administrative assistant at the Egg Board. She volunteered her son, Phillip, 21, an art student.

"Very honestly, we thought we were trying to do something nice instead of having a blank spot for the state of Wyoming," Ivy said. "It backfired on us."


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Hmmm, I'd been in Wyoming for a year when this happened, and I never heard about this fiasco until today. I agree - the egg art by LeDonne is crap. But I read that the Wyoming Arts Council has rallied artists here in order to make sure that this never happens again.
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I think it's great. Very cute. It's naive art. Who cares about the guy's age? There are some great naive artists out there. I agree with "secret man agent" it's a breath of fresh air amidst all the others
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