Te land ter zee en in de lucht is a TV show that has been amusing the Dutch for 36 years. From Wikipedia:
Contestants must race along a track in self-made vehicles. Most parts of the game take place above water, and getting to the end of the track without becoming wet is nearly impossible. But to win, you'll have to be the fastest who reaches the end of the track, without becoming wet.
The show is recorded in various locations throughout The Netherlands and Belgium. Push play or go to YouTube.
Comments (3)
-Achteruitrace (op Circuit Park Zandvoort)
Racing behind, and racing with old caravans.
glide with a flat boat of a ramp, on the water, to ring a bell over the water.
Blij dat ik Glij
Glide with selfmade contructions of the snow
Vlieg er eens uit
jump with a flying constructions of a plateau
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