Bathtub Sofa.

With this bathtub sofa from flavour design, you can stay in the tub all day! Link - via Smidigt

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That is a very cute and stylish couch, and yes Holly Gollightly ha done of those in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"I really wish thta I could buy that couch and have it in my room, I am such a Breakfast at Tiffany's fan!
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Am Mr.Tim Carl from carlington ltd.And i will like to place an order regarding some sofa from your company to Ghana.I will really appreciate you email me back with those that you carry instock and their price ranges,also your terms of payment as well.I will like to be one of your honest customer's and hope you answer to my request ASAP.Thank you very much and waiting for your prompt responds.God Bless You.

Best Regards
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I've already been doing this since birth...
really, last week i weight myself and i got to 40 kg while i was 45. i cannot get fat no matter how much patato chips i eat... :c
they should build a really tall tower and put all the fat people at the top.
oh wait, it would just collapse.
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Honestly thought I had heard of every single idea on how to loose weight, until I got to this article. It could be because of the elevation, cold weather that decreases hunger for some people and they end up loosing weight. Only time Im up 7000 feet in elevation is at Big Bear, Ca. when I go skiing and even then its a work out. Good to know.
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This does seem a little bit crazy - I live on the third floor of an apartment and am not super fit. Just kidding:) I would like to lose some weight though - maybe my next vacation will be to a mountain or high altitude destination!
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