Largest Drug Cash Seizure Ever: A Quarter of a Billion Dollars!

From US News and World Report, authorities made two extraordinary seizures not long ago: the largest drug cash seizure and the largest maritime drug seizure in history.

On March 15, Mexican authorities raided a villa in one of Mexico City's poshest neighborhoods and found what they say is the largest drug cash seizure on record– anywhere – $205 million in cash, most of it in $100 bills. Total weight of all that cash: at least 4,500 pounds. "This is like law enforcement hitting the ultimate jackpot," said DEA top cop Karen Tandy. Also seized were 200,000 euros, 158,000 pesos, eight luxury vehicles, and a small arsenal. Officials say the money is tied to Chinese and Indian suppliers of raw materials for methamphetamine, which is brewed in Mexican superlabs and then exported to the United States.

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