Montrealer Dave Cool (that's his real name!) is the owner of Stand Alone Records. He's also a first-time filmmaker. His first documentary tackles a question most sane music journalists loathe: What is indie?
Found at CBC Montreal's HomeRun. For more info click here.
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jason Ely ( Lothgar ) consider himself an indie game developer because since he got burned with his last project called Dransik ( A company bought his game and employed him just to fire him some time after in a faulty and troublesome way ). Now he's not doing the same mistake and he's doing his new project, Stygian Worlds, with all the precautions necessary.
He's not just making a game anymore, he's creating a world with it's own community and he's doing it for the players.
The risks are ginormous since he will have to keep enough players interested in the game at all time for the servers to be payed up. Lot's of investments, lot's of details to check.
Not so easy as if you let some mainstream peoples take care of everything in order to make big buck.