Lysol Douche.

This 1948 ad touted Lysol's "effectiveness and safety" as a "personal feminine hygiene" product, in addition to its use as a regular household cleaner!

See more lysol douche ads here: Link [flickr]

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Sorry, "one" more thing.....

They preface by saying that the Love-Quiz is intended for "MARRIEDS" only.

So what would their advice be for "single" women? Or GOD FORBID, "hussy's" who sleep with other women's husbands? (I guess they would DESERVE the "cold shoulder" huh)? LOL...

I suppose that "their", Feminine Odor "trivia", would go something like this:

1. Do you think "vinegar" is best left as an ingredient in salad dressings?
Yes No Not Sure

2. Have you ever taken a "long" walk while it was raining?
Yes No Not Sure

3. Would you OFFEND other patrons, while being serviced in a "Beauty Parlor" for several hours?
Yes No Guess i'd better FIND OUT!

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I'm a female, who is "thankful" that times have CHANGED!

LMAO on comment 7. your whole 2 paragraphs, and then the ending --"consider this a public service announcement". OMG!!! LOL...

comment 11. PRICELESS! LOL.....

I'm sorry but I had to "laugh" to keep from CRYING (? although....I do have tears running down as I read the comments.....does THAT count?)SMILE....
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After just reading the very first part of the ad and laughing myslef hysterical, I scroll down to the rest of it and it says "Lysol" I think unfortunate brand name coincidence...just in time to realize it's no coincidence and they want me to put LYSOL in my WHAT?? Eek, made my girly parts cringe. artschild I truly thank you for the public service announcement. It is needed. Leave the girly parts be, a daily shower should do the trick. :) Lysol, damn...
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