McDonald's Coffee Tastes Better Than Starbuck.

Who makes the best coffee: Starbucks, McDonald's, Burger King, or Dunkin' Donuts? Consumer Reports did a taste test and found out that (surprise!) it wasn't Starbucks!

The magazine proclaimed McDonald's Premium Roast Coffee had "no flaws" and was easiest on the wallet. "Try McDonald's, which was cheapest and best," Consumer Reports says in its March issue. "Or make your own coffee."


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Per Consumer Reports rating, I had tried McDonald's Premium Coffee in San Mateo last December, and it tasted very good, strong to my liking.

Recently, a few other locations (in Southern California and Las Vegas)I bought the same premium coffee which did not have the same strong taste any more. It tasted less strong, and almost like the coffee They used to sell before the so-called PREMIUM.

Why does McDonald's Premium coffee taste so inconsistent? Does Anyone notice the same?

I do not know if McDonald has instructed all their franchises to brew coffee less strong like that or just because each McDonald's restaurant has their own way of brewing coffee based on their local customer's taste.
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Santa Cruz Roasting Company sells two coffees I really like, both light roasts - both are packed with caffeine: the longer a coffee is roasted the less caffeine it has because heat breaks down caffeine. Indian Malabar and Zoom are the two I recommend, smooth, not bitter in the least, I could talk about these coffees like some people talk about wine!
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I like a good burly cup of coffee, so Starbucks (or Caribou or other high end shops) works well for me. But I hate paying through the nose for it. I tried a cup of Burger King's Turbo Joe a while back, and was very impressed. Add to that it's about 1/3 the price, and they add half & half and sugar for you when you're in the drive-thru, and I keep coming back.

I'd like to make the coffee on my own, but haven't figured out how to make it strong enough... what do people use for equipment & blend for a cup that compares to Starbucks?
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