According to The Scotsman, scientists are confident that robot nurses will be assisting with the care of patients within 3 years. While there's no immediate plans to have them performing surgery, they "will perform basic tasks such as mopping up spillages, taking messages and guiding visitors to hospital beds. They could also be used to distribute medicines and even monitor the temperature of patients remotely with laser thermometers."
Next up - the first all robot surgery, performed by robotic nurses, on robotic patients (such as Noelle the pregnant robot).
Comments (4)
I remember seeing a video back in high school about the danger of letting robots do all the work ( It was some radio show story where the robots decided what treatment was needed for the patient and the robot was wrong and gaved all the wrong directive ) but the truth is that a human being can't compete with a robot.
I hope they are going to restrict brigning magnets or any other object that could interfere with the robots.
"We stop off at the McGee hospital, a sprawling building where robots do the menial work. Roameo, a solid-looking cyber with a large chest, is waiting by the lift. 'He's taking x-rays down to the lab,' says Futrell. 'We've got a robotics foundation in the University.' The lift opens and Romeo hums his way past us and through open doors. 'Excuse me,' he says, in a polite, electronic voice."