It's awesome and completely automatic Lego Mindstorms creation. The user selects the colors for the cabin and the machine selects the material, assembles and then attaches a chasis with the wheels. Impressive.
The first thing that strikes me is that the colour selection doesn't seem to be a random choice (there seems to have been many other cars of the same colour combi that had been made prior to filming this one. Still quite neat, nonetheless.
So, it can do the work of a human being, sixty times slower, with a far greater expenditure of energy, and every six minutes it needs to be told what colours to use for the next car. Still, pretty good for something made out of a childs toy, and I can definitely see the benefit of it as an instructive exercise.
Comments (5)
Still, pretty good for something made out of a childs toy, and I can definitely see the benefit of it as an instructive exercise.
Anyway, impressive, awesome and a whole bunch of other things. :D