If the elephant is wearing diaper, how did the poop got out? Must be a "poosplosion" (which, being a dad of a 5-month-old, I'm quite familiar with!). Found at buhny [flickr] - via Say No to Crack.
If the elephant is wearing diaper, how did the poop got out? Must be a "poosplosion" (which, being a dad of a 5-month-old, I'm quite familiar with!). Found at buhny [flickr] - via Say No to Crack.
Hey Alex--here's one for ya: Once upon a time I had to deal with a poop incident immediately after making myself a sandwich for lunch. I cleaned up the Zanester (then only a couple months old), priding myself on the fact that none of the stuff got on me. I washed my hands, sat down, and started to eat my sloppy peanut-butter-and-honey sandwich. I was finishing the last bite when I noticed that some of the peanut butter had smeared on to the back of my finger, so I licked it off.
It wasn't peanut butter.
After that, I was a bit more thorough in my handwashing...