The Mystery of Picasso.

In 1955, Henri-Georges Clouzot filmed Picasso as he painted - the result is a time-lapse photography of the fantastic way Picasso created his artworks. Hit play or go to [Google Video] - via Tinselman

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Aramax: "I never understood Picasso paintings and now it seems like he could never decide what he was going to do… random stuff over random stuff and he gives an explination for everything."

He is an artist, not an engineer. He is expressing himself, not building a thing. He solved the problem of expressing something that cannot be painted of photographied, you just look for a representation of a reality, when you should look a picture, like you listen to music.

Good luck getting your mind out of the cage.
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hmmm, seems like he took a realistic 3-d depiction of a feature on an object, then brought it through the object in 2-d but splayed it out in a novel angle. like the two eyes, flounder-style, or the crazy horns. wacky boy.
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There are a whole slew of these things floating around YouTube. Picasso, in my mind, was an undisputed master, and the thing to remember here is that his working process was always different. Sometimes it was a straight shot to a finished painting, and sometimes he would just keep tweaking it until he was satisfied.

I'm paraphrasing, but my favorite quote of his goes something like, "I paint like the Chinese. I don't copy nature - I work like her."
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