Gingerbread artist Roger Pelcher built the world's largest gingerbread house at Mall of America. How large? Here's some relevant statistics:
- The gingerbread house has 1,496 square feet (larger than my house!)
- Built from 14,250 pounds of gingerbread and 4,750 pounds of icing
- It took approximately 1,700 work-hours in nine days to build.
- Embellishments include: 1,800 Hershey's chocolate bars; 2,800 pearsons nut rolls; 1,200 feet of Twizzlers; 100 pounds of Tootsie Rolls; 300 pounds of DOTS; 100 12" Whirly Pops; and thousands of other candies.
Thats who booby jones is. What are you gonna do?