Dice Stacking Moves

Devilducky quote:

Dice stacking is the art of scooping up dice in a dice cup and setting the cup down to build a vertical column of dice. Most people's initial reaction, when first seeing the dice stacked, is astonishment.


Update 11/15/06 by Alex: Yayo's post inspired me to look for more dice stacking clips on YouTube. Turns out there's a lot:

YouTube version of the devilducky link above:

A play-by-play demo:

Here's Brad Manuel stacking 25 dice:

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My favorite part was the end of the "Blue Light" trick when the performer gives the dice cup a little twist to align it for the camera. Here I am, with my jaw on my desk over what I'm seeing, and he's probably kicking himself because the trick didn't come off perfectly.

What an incredible video. You kids doing speed stacks? You suck. You're yesterday's news. Go get a job.
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