When they get angry, some lunatics rant and rave like this guy - but not Marvin Heemeyer of Grunbee Grandby Granby (third time's the charm!), Colorado:
52 year old welder Marvin Heemeyer lived in Grunbee Colorado fixing vehicle mufflers. His small repair shop was located near a concrete factory called Mountain Park. To Marvin and his neigbors' horrors, the owners of Mountain Park decided to expand the factory, forcing the people living near-by to sell their land to Mountain Park.
Sooner or later the factory's neigbhors gave up, except for Marvin. Having tried every way possible, the owners of the factory failed to acquire his land. However all the surrounding land was now owned by the factory, which resulted in Marvin's shop getting cut off from the rest of the world.
Marvin tried everything in his powers to restore justice. Obviously, the city council and other politicians of the state were on the factory owners' evil capitalist side. ...
On the 4th of June, 2004 during a rainy day Marvin rolled out into town on a bulldozer reinforced with metal sheets. He started with the concrete factory, destroying building after building, until the factory was demolished. Then it was the city council's turn followed by the town hall, then the bank, the public library, the fire station, a warehouse, the local paper and other buildings belonging to the mayor.
Having tried to stop Heemeyer, the police finally understood that Marvin's bulldozer was unstoppable. More than 200 bullets were fired at the vehicle, causing no harm at all. The police force then decided to battle the titan with hand grenades. Once again their efforts were useless. Later a vehicle rigged with explosives was put in Marvin's path to destruction, it also had little luck in stopping him.
Comments (10)
You can whimper on about how people got hurt; but it was necessary. Until we all learn to treat each other with respect and decency, this type of thing will continue.
Our own people seems to be blinded by the real fact ! We are being f u c k e d over by the media and the officials
Welcome to Granby
It was a tragic, definitely unfunny event for all concerned. Several businesses and homes were destroyed, and the dozer driver--no hero--killed himself after delivering his "message". It's fortunate that no one else was killed or injured, and the town will never be quite the same.
Here's a follow-up story from a Denver newspaper:
Raging dozer remembered
Rocky Mountain News, June 2, 2005
Unarguably GENIUS.
I'm still curious to know what locals would have to say about it today.
... I just had to!