Things That Don't Make Scientific Sense #4: The Homeopathy Experiment.


Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy.

Homeopathy is one strange alternative medicine: it holds that a dilute solution of a compound can have healing effect, even if the solution is so dilute that it is unlikely as to have a single molecule of anything except for water.

This makes no sense for Madeleine Ennis, who had been a vocal critic of homeopathy, so she designed the ultimate experiment to disprove it - and discovered that the result is the exact opposite!

In her most recent paper, Ennis describes how her team looked at the effects of ultra-dilute solutions of histamine on human white blood cells involved in inflammation. These "basophils" release histamine when the cells are under attack. Once released, the histamine stops them releasing any more. The study, replicated in four different labs, found that homeopathic solutions - so dilute that they probably didn't contain a single histamine molecule - worked just like histamine. Ennis might not be happy with the homeopaths' claims, but she admits that an effect cannot be ruled out.

So how could it happen? Homeopaths prepare their remedies by dissolving things like charcoal, deadly nightshade or spider venom in ethanol, and then diluting this "mother tincture" in water again and again. No matter what the level of dilution, homeopaths claim, the original remedy leaves some kind of imprint on the water molecules. Thus, however dilute the solution becomes, it is still imbued with the properties of the remedy.

You can understand why Ennis remains sceptical. And it remains true that no homeopathic remedy has ever been shown to work in a large randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial. But the Belfast study (Inflammation Research, vol 53, p 181) suggests that something is going on. "We are," Ennis says in her paper, "unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon." If the results turn out to be real, she says, the implications are profound: we may have to rewrite physics and chemistry.

Part of a very interesting New Scientist article "13 Things That Don't Make Sense" - via Reality Carnival

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If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I seem to recall reading fairly recently that some research had been done that shows that water has some sort of a memory effect.

I'd look for the information myself, but am busy at the moment...

Just thought I'd throw that out there...

...Ok, so I's a link that discusses this phenomena...I'm sure there's more info out there...
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It will never be proven, at least not in the near future. Too many entrenched paradigms. Besides, what they should be focusing on is WHY it appears to work in some cases... not whether the results are reproducible in ALL cases.
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