Scott Wade's Dust Art.

When the dust gets thick on the back of his Mini Cooper, Scott Wade got busy drawing - that's because he's an artist that uses dust as his medium of choice! - via Linkfilter

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Scott Wade would do this for nothing and charge an arm and a leg to paint a portrait , go figure ...................Sure he's great , with that kind of talent he does what he does fore relaxation , this I understand , if I had just half his talent I would have painting every where , and count money for relaxation ..............RF Sr. Pleasant Hill Mo ..

This is what I wrote before I read about the man ( I wish I could underline the word MAN ) I still wish I could have half his talent , and there's a possibly he does count his money for relaxation " all 15 minutes " I've known Graphic artist and never have I known one that was lazy , they have to much energy and most never set still , most of my energy is in my bottom and love to set and work my computer and hope in some small way tell people just how great they really are ..............SO Scott Wade , keep it going Buddy , I for one would like to see your art somewhere that your God given talent would be enjoyed by all people and would like it better if I could see something permanent , I think I will somewhere .............
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Yea I would love to be a tiny bit as good at art. Great Scott these people chucking stones I wonder what there crap lives would show up. Proberly down the pub all week beating up people. Oh thats not a waste of time. Yea just shows you gotta please your self be happy with what you do and love life cause there is all sorts in the world.
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You know, I really hate people that have to tear down others just for the simple fact that it makes them feels about themselves. People like that need to get a life. You people that need to tear this man down because he has found a positive outlet to express himself were probably bullies in school. GET OVER YOURSELVES!! The world doesn't care if you know how to use big words if you don't truly know what they mean.
To Scott: Your work is awsome!!! Is there a place that I can see more of it?? How long does it take you to do those paintings? Keep "Dust Painting!" You do fabulous work.
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So... what does politics have to do with it again? My boyfriend is a fabulous artist as well and every creation is an extension of the wonderful person that he is and how he expresses himself as a human. He can paint murals, tattoo, sculpt, draw, many things more that I'm insanely jealous over. I can draw stick people!! So be jealous, it's part of life!! Everything is art: a building, a hairdo, you get the point, we are all artists and choose our medium, mine is my voice and I can make a mean margarita!! Those are my arts and my mediums. Be proud of who you are and respect one another. Great work, BRAVO!! I think everyone who posts after this should say what their art is, their talent. BE PROUD, Because you can breath, create, and that you have your sight so you can view his dust art, not everyone is that blessed!! Peace!
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