Man Ran From Police, Got Stuck in Mud and Died.

Police stopped Shawn Leflore, 33, for having an expired registration sticker. Shawn decided to run instead - he ran off road and got stuck in the mud, where he died of exhaustion and cold.

"He thought he was wanted. That is why he ran," Peritz said. "But it turns out he wasn't wanted for anything, except his driver's license was expired."

Leflore ran about 700 yards off the road, where he got stuck in the mud, Peritz said. The weather was windy, and temperatures were in the upper 30s in the dark field, which had been saturated by heavy rain.

Comments (2)

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Gene Pool.. He will not die in the pool.. His gene's is from the shallow end of the pool.. Unless he steps in mud.. The he is Over His Head>>>
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